One of the simplest and most effective ways to get joy and laughter into your life is through humor. Humor in whatever form a good joke, funny story, or silly moment it may be will make us feel light and allowing us to look at things a little more relaxed. Cartoons, especially the one panel are one of the funniest forms of humor, especially when the picture portrays one funny moment. These comics have been around for a while and people of all ages love them because they’re easy to understand and also pretty relatable. Let’s explore about it in this article.
One-Panel Cartoons
So, before we go further, lets talk about it, how artists do such type of cartoons. In a one panel comic cartoonists use just one picture to tell a whole joke or story. These are very simple and straightforward cartoons using simple drawings to canvas a situation or a conversation. The humor is sometimes in a funny face on a character, just a silly turn to a little bit of everyday life, or just a clever use of words. What I love about these comics is that the joke is simple, you don’t have to give your fans much time or words to understand.
We ask the authors to tell us how they come up with ideas for cartoons. According to them The comics they tends to set in everyday situations are one-panel cartoons. They show us things we know – pets being silly and misunderstanding people, funny things that happen at work and home. The humor is mostly light hearted and playful, and is just the thing for that person who just needs a quick laugh. In the following twenty cartoon jokes we see cartoonists taking a common scenario and infusing a small twist for making things funny.
Further Info: Pinterest
1. Award Winning Humor

2. I have anything in my teeth

3. He is talking about depends adult diaper

4. You are sleep flying again

5. Lost Dog

6. I love this job

7. Just Stick It

One panel cartoons are great because you don’t need to explain anything and make you laugh. It is very simple humor, very simple but it’s something that all ages of person find funny. Whether the cartoon features no dialogue or not, the drawing itself often does the job for you. Sometimes the joke is obvious thanks to a funny expression or a funny thing. So cartoons break down language and complexity barriers, and an opportunity to laugh together and make the day better.
8. We made our reservation online

9. We always hold hands

10. What’s the quickest way to town?

11. I need your device

12. He is helping you

13. He ate all the magnets

The best thing you can say about cartoonists is that they entertain the audience with their humorous content and make it fun, and therefore we can tell that this is the magician of humor. They’re like making funny things happen in funny ways and funny things out of the everyday life and bringing it to us so that we can laugh together. These artists may not be easy to make people laugh with a few words and a drawing, but really, they’re all here doing it so perfectly. They see little life amusing things they’d able to observe the world around them.
14. Gardening on Father’s Day

15. You got my letters

16. Dangerous Beers Around

17. Borrow my fire extinguisher

18. Recreating the rose garden

19. Having really bad wind

20. Later at the police station

There is no need for you to spend much time reading or thinking about the joke. You can get the punchline quickly, and within a few seconds you can forget about it, making you feel maybe slightly lesser stress. They let you know humor is everywhere, and one picture can always make you smile. The next time you want to indulge in a one panel comic, visit the links provided here and here. Also, tell us about your favorite cartoon from the above in the comment section.